The therapist Davor Antunović

Psychotherapeutic non-medical practitioner
(Licensed according to the Heilpraktikergesetz)
Over 15,000 successful, safe hypnoses!
(Projection 2020)
Trusted and personal companion of celebrities and top athletes
- Training and advanced training as a hypnotherapist at various international institutes
- Advanced training in sex therapy
- NLP Practitioner DVNLP
- Supervisor for therapists, doctors and nursing staff Advanced Hypnoenergetics
- Violence prevention trainer in cooperation with the working group violence prevention police department Esslingen
- Scientific advisory board of the BärenKids program Mannheim
- Scientific advisory board of the Hypnosepraxis Rheintal Switzerland
- Conceptualization of national and international hypnosis courses at Advanced Hypnoenergetics, Master Course for Hypnotherapy and over 30 further courses in therapist and adult education
- Supervisor for psychotherapists, alternative practitioners and physicians
- 2003-2006 Study of psychology, Tübingen
- 2004-2019 Lecturer at the German Paracelsus Heilpraktikerschulen GmbH
- 2008-2011 Lecturer Forum Humanum
- 2012-2015 Advisory Board NewGeneration Childcare Insel Mainau
- 2014-2016 Lecturer in the school for nursing professions Klinikum Ludwigsburg
- 2017-2020 Study of human medicine (preclinical), Tübingen

Under Publications you will also find a list of the professional literature on hypnosis published by me – available in German and English.
From a very early age, I wanted to become a therapist and help other people better understand their emotions and experiences. I have always kept my idealism to believe in recovery. I believe that there is an improvement for every emotional problem. I have been influenced by many great therapists whose methodology I integrate into my work, including Siegmund Freud, Viktor Frankl, Carl Gustav Jung, Abraham Maslow, William Graves, Alfred Korzybski, and Wilhelm Reich.
I am firmly convinced that proper hypnotherapy goes beyond mere superficial suggestion and, in combination with bodywork and transpersonal psychology, can become a valuable psychotherapeutic tool.
I firmly believe that practitioners can improve their form of psychotherapy by thinking outside the box and honoring the classical teachings and combining them with new impulses. Thus, over the past eleven years, a distinct form of depth psychology-based hypnotherapy has emerged.
Hypnotherapy and bioenergetics
Hypnosis has gained a special place in my therapeutic work. I see the use of dynamic, clinical and analytical hypnosis and hypnotherapy as one of the safest, most important and effective cornerstones of good psychotherapy. I am constantly educating myself. Especially Wilhelm Reich’s teaching of bioenergetics has strongly influenced my work in the last decade.

The person Davor Antunović
Ever since a friend of mine became very seriously mentally ill when I was 15, I have wanted to become a therapist to help people. For more than half a lifetime I have been pursuing this goal and doing research in my practical work to better understand the connections of the human psyche.
„The truth is out there somewhere, but the lies exist in your head.“
– Terry Pratchet –
I had a longing to better understand the universe, and especially the human psyche. I traveled around, read great masters of psychology, philosophy, listened, if possible, to scholars of all doctrines and ideologies.
In my exploration of the various types of therapy, I quickly noticed how the individual basic assumptions of the therapeutic schools directly affected the therapist. At any point in my life, I wanted to be more than a follower of a certain doctrine, dogma, or religion.
This approach enabled me to combine forms of therapy and today facilitates my individual work with my patients.
Of course I know about many processes, problems and difficulties that can arise in life and I am happy every time I can help a client. For me, change work with people is something I look at with deep respect for the individual, but also with joy and interest.
Of course, I expressly distance myself from radical sects or extreme groups that are not subordinate to the free, democratic basic order. Our democracy is not perfect, but worth protecting!
From my personal life
For more than 30 years, a passion is martial arts. Of these, I spent 17 years as a trainer for youth, children and adults. I love movement in any form, starting with yoga, classical dance and Tango Argentino to kung fu and capoeira. I love to read and am passionate about writing my books.
From December 2009 to April 2013, my beloved mother was in a vegetative state, triggered by a brain aneurysm, and was finally allowed to leave on April 2, 2013. One of the most painful experiences I have had in my life so far. As her legal guardian, I tried the best I could to make this difficult time easier for her and my family. Through this painful experience, I eventually became aware of my own limitations. The pain of such a loss changes over time.
Today I know that it is in her spirit to continue doing what she always encouraged me to do – to stand up for my beliefs and be there for others.)